Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Move your Excess, Obsolete & EOL electronic component inventory before the residual value falls!

No, I'm serious... I am receiving reports from my contacts in the APAC region that the supply chain is softening. Take a look at the following articles...
Many manufacturing companies that I have spoken with are now starting to review their inventory levels to ensure they do not get caught with dead electronic component stock that could cause them unnecessary profit loss.

Even in Europe I am seeing reports that suggest Q1, 2011 will see a decline in the demand for electronic components. Unfortunately this will ultimately reflect on the prices across a wide range of electronic components.

So what's the answer? 

Move your excess electronic component inventory NOW!

I know it doesn't normally rate highly on your list of priorities, or maybe even get onto the list at all, but if it hasn't moved in the last 12 months it isn't going to go anywhere.

Selling your excess, obsolete and EOL electronic components can help inject immediate cash revenues into your business. I am always looking to buy electronic component material and have a variety of options available to you including consignment and immediate payment.

Still not sure?

Why not give me a call to discuss your disposal options? My direct dial is ++44 (0) 1904 436 420, alternatively if you already have a list simply email it to bobg@trading-specialists.com.

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